الخميس، 14 يناير 2010

Random Growth of Poultry Farms

BEIRUT - The National News Agency reported on Thursday, January 14, 2010, that the advisor of the United Nations environmental program, Mazen ABBOUD, attracted the attention of the relevant departments on the inconvenience of the masked & random growth of poultry farms (by contracting with local farmers to grow on their own poultry irrespective of the environmental & sanitary measures). According to Mazen ABBOUD, this would affect public health and the ecological milieu as poultry manure contains bacteria such as salmonella & streptococcus, & heavy minerals like cupper. ABBOUD considered that this random growth of farms leads to the pollution of water springs, soil & underground water with hard minerals or microbes. He urged those concerned to take proper measures to protect citizens.

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